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Petaling B Rovers

Our present, Our history

First Rover Crew Meeting was held on 6th July 1985 in Bangsar House (RT Base), hence the Petaling 'B' Rover Crew was formed, albeit on a trial basis. The first members were:

  1. Chin Thoe Ark
  2. Alfred Law
  3. Cheng Teik Ee
  4. Cheang Kok Keong
  5. Zachary Kok
  6. Chin Ai Kong
  7. Tan Boon Hooi
  8. Diana Chew
  9. James V.A.
  10. Ng Siew Tung

During the meeting the founding members discussed the purpose of setting up this crew.

  • To retrain scout knowledge
  • To share experiences within brother scouts.
  • To deepen beliefs of the Scouts Movement
  • The upkeep of unnecessary time to good use.
  • To be fully equipped with good scouts knowledge in order to help newcomers.
  • To share resources and material
  • Co-operation
  • Faithful - true concentration
  • Dedication to the crew
  • To create usefulness
  • Discipline
  • Concentrating on activities and leadership training.
  • To help other troops.

The members had other meetings after the first one, and discussed issues such as Feedback from the public about the Scouts Movement, Time Management of members, Administration formation, and Financial support. They even came out with the idea of having an official mufti (crew t-shirt), which they will wear in uniformity during certain outdoor activities. There was also this idea of having a dagger with their founding members names and date of enrolment engraved on it.

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